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Authors: DAYOUR, Frederick
Keywords: Motivations, Backpacker, Factor, Cape Coast-Elmina, Ghana
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure
Series/Report no.: Vol 2 (3)
Abstract: Research has shown that the backpacker market is one of the tourism markets that economically benefit local communities than the conventional market or mass tourists. The purpose of the study was to examine the motivations of backpackers in the Cape Coast-Elmina conurbation, Ghana. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 184 backpackers in Cape Coast and Elmina. Factor Analysis and some descriptive statistical analysis were employed in presenting the report. The study revealed that backpackers, who visited the Cape Coast-Elmina conurbation, were mostly young international students, most of whom were of European origin. Using the push-pull theory by Dann (1981), 6 main orthogonal push-pull related factors, including historical/cultural attractions, service delivery, ecological attractions, heritage, escape, and adventure were found to have explained backpackers’ motivations for travelling. It is recommended that local travel intermediaries focus attention on packaging tailored tours that will sell the country’s historical, cultural and ecological attractions to backpackers. Secondly, the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) should formally recognize and incorporate hostel facilities into the accommodation sub-sector, and regularize monitoring activities in these facilities in order to maintain quality standards for patronage by backpackers.
Description: Tourisim
ISSN: 2223-814X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Integrated Development Studies

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