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Authors: Seniwoliba, J. A.
Keywords: Quality
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Practices
Quality Assurance Challenges
University for Development Studies
Higher Education
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Spring Journals
Series/Report no.: Vol. 2;Issue 9
Abstract: The study seeks to bring to bare the concept of quality assurance in higher education from the Ghanaian perspective, quality assurance model for higher education in Ghana, the internal quality assurance practices of the University for Development Studies and quality assurance challenges facing higher educational institutions. This was to ensure that higher education institutions in the country will consistently and efficiently assure quality standards in Higher Education. The research design was geared towards examining the quality assurance practices of the University for Development Studies. The study was descriptive qualitative research. Documents that were analyzed include the National Accreditation Board (NAB) Act (Act 744) of 2007, the National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) Act (Act 454) of 1992, NCTE Norms for Tertiary Education (Universities), UDS Academic Quality Assurance (AQA) questionnaire for evaluating lectures and the Junior Members handbook on General Rules and Regulations on Examinations for Diploma and Undergraduate Programme. The purposive sampling technique was adopted. It is a non probability sampling method in which decisions concerning the individuals to be included in the sample are taken by the researcher, based upon a variety of criteria which may include specialist knowledge of the research issue, or capacity and willingness to participate in the research. The findings revealed that the University for Development Studies has put in place strategies to assure quality in its operations. Among others, the researcher recommends that as part of the UDS’s strategic plan to ensure quality standards, an appropriate balance must be maintained between student numbers, the physical infrastructure,staff capacity and teaching and learning equipment. This will address problems associated with the student/lecturer ratio and excess teaching load. Lecturers will also have more time for research, a very important function of Higher Educational Institutions.
ISSN: 2360-7963
Appears in Collections:Administration

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